Welcome to
Cherished By God

Dedicated to Teaching the Father's Heart  through the Prophetic!

Do You Want Peace in your life?

You don't have to settle. 
You don't have to have all the answers. 
You don't have to figure it out alone. 

God knows what you need.
He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to make a way for that wholeness. 
He knows how to teach you specifically what is needed at this moment in time - for any situation you are in. 
He wants all areas of your life to be whole. 

We all have trials that we go through but God wants to show YOU how to navigate them so that you are the calm in the midst of any storm around you!

Peace within


Peace in

Your Relationships

Peace in

Your Family

God is TRUE to His word!

All God said is possible is TRUE!  The reality of His promises have changed my life and my family.  This site is dedicated to prophetically teaching the Father's heart for you, sharing the stories of our personal struggles, and how God changed it all.

I will be sharing the prophetic insights God gave me for...

- identity and self esteem struggles
- battling pornography addictions
- marital struggles
- raising children so they are equipped as the go into the world each day
- how to put on the full armor of God to have victory in spiritual warfare
- and more....

We don't have to settle.  As God taught us and we applied what He said, we began to gain freedom in one area after another.  So much freedom that I just have to share it with YOU!

Our prayer is that you will be AWAKENED and encouraged to move from the spiritual wilderness and moved to the land of promise found in Jesus Christ!


Don't know if you believe God is real?

The best place to start is an honest one.  I was in a very similar place.  The main thing I did know was that I wanted to know the TRUTH and finally put the question to rest.  I was tired of guessing, of rationalizing based on my limited knowledge, or worse yet - going by what someone else said.  My life, and the lives of those around me, seemed to be spiraling in the wrong direction - something had to change.

You don't have to take my word for it - you can encounter God personally so you can make a decision for yourself.  Step 1 - you just have to ask...


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